Dry Stone Buildings



As castellaneses we like to say we have been and are pastoral people, as documents from hundreds of years ago say.

But the clearest evidence of this shepherd past are more than 300 dry stone constructions, such as barracks, screens, fences, wells and other, you‘ll find distributed all over the mountains of Castellar de n'Hug.

These buildings served as shelter for the shepherds during the long days on the mountain pasture.

Today, they are our heritage we have to maintain, since we believe that who loses the origins, loses its identity.

Strolling around these buildings, you can find the old roads that will take you places that shepherds frequented in former times. Here you can admire nature at its best, and appreciate the effort that for centuries the Castellanese had to do in order to survive. Nowadays, life is easier and we’d love to share our legacy with you, the visitors.




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